Kapha Churna is an Ayurvedic herbal powder specifically formulated to balance the Kapha dosha, according to Ayurvedic principles. Kapha dosha is associated with the elements of earth and water, governing stability, structure, and lubrication in the body. The unique blend of herbs in Kapha Churna aims to alleviate symptoms of excess Kapha and promote overall balance. Some potential benefits of Kapha Churna include:

  1. Lymphatic Support: Kapha Churna often contains herbs with diuretic and lymphatic-moving properties, such as trikatu (a combination of ginger, black pepper, and long pepper). This may help reduce water retention and support the elimination of toxins from the body.

  2. Digestive Aid: Ingredients like ginger and pippali (long pepper) in Kapha Churna can stimulate digestion, promoting the metabolism of excess Kapha in the digestive system.

  3. Respiratory Health: Kapha dosha is associated with the respiratory system, and Kapha Churna may contain herbs like ginger and black pepper that can help manage excess mucus and support respiratory health.

  4. Stimulating Properties: Some herbs in Kapha Churna, such as ginger and black pepper, have stimulating and warming properties. These can help counteract the heaviness and lethargy associated with Kapha imbalance.

  5. Weight Management: Kapha Churna may be used to support healthy weight management by addressing sluggish metabolism and promoting the elimination of excess fluids and toxins.

  6. Joint Health: Kapha imbalances can contribute to joint stiffness. Certain herbs in Kapha Churna, like ginger, may have anti-inflammatory properties that support joint health.


Ingredients: Ginger, coriander, black pepper, turmeric, salt, cinnamon

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